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Get the best out of Archicad and OpenBIM

Advanced courses for the best-of-breed software

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Our courses are designed to equip you with the specialised skills needed to excel in your role. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, our award-winning technical trainers ensure you receive top-notch training.

Choose from virtual sessions, online lessons, face-to-face interactions, or self-paced learning. Whatever your preference, we’re here to support your growth and success.

 “I had used Archicad for several years and felt that I was not getting the best out of the program. I enrolled in the CI Archicad Essentials NZ online course and found it very informative, discovering better ways to achieve the desired results. The tutorial is in modules, allowing me to stop, rewind, and review any part as I proceeded. I found the course very helpful and informative. -Russell D. Whyte, Dip Arch Tech

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AUS 1300 423 372 | NZ 0800 900 889