Elevate Your Engineering
Design Skills Anytime, Anywhere
Get value out of your subscription
*Terms and conditions apply. Exclusively for students and teachers only.
Essential | Elite | ||||||||||
Technical Engineering Support
Read more…Delivering world-class training and consulting services to our customers and their engineering needs. Our certified technical support team can provide support wherever, and whenever needed. |
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Software Upgrades
Read more…Receive automatic updates of the latest SOLIDWORKS software upon release. Staying up-to-date ensures your alignment with clients and competitors, maintaining seamless continuity. |
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Customer Care Health check | ✔ | ✔ | |||||||||
Site Visit by Central Innovation Staff | ✔ | ✔ | |||||||||
Exams and Certification Prep
Read more…Ace the CSWA, CSWP, and CSWE exams using SolidProfessor’s directed tutorials, exercises, and mock tests. Pursue technical certificates in key design skills and enhance your profile with industry-acknowledged SolidProfessor and SOLIDWORKS certifications. |
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Free SOLIDWORKS Certification Exams
Read more…– Gain complimentary core (CSWA or CSWP), advanced (CSWPA), and specialty exam vouchers per SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service seat. |
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SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard —(Professional and Premium only) Read more…Experience the swiftest and most seamless path to generating high-fidelity images and capturing 3D data with SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard. Elevate cost efficiency, hasten time-to-market, and enhance your visual storytelling prowess. |
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Read more…SOLIDWORKS CAM Standard allows users to quickly program individual parts and configurations without leaving the SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD environment. |
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SolidProfessor On-demand Training
Read more…SolidProfessor offers 15,000+ online, self-paced lessons covering CAD, CAM, Simulation, and Engineering theory, including GD&T and Finite Element Analysis. Empower your engineering teams with an extensive resource hub, anytime, anywhere. |
1 user / SOLIDWORKS CAD licence | 3 users / SOLIDWORKS CAD licence | |||||||||
Live, Instructor-Led Training Credit
Read more…Enhance your expertise with our instructor-led courses, seamlessly complementing SolidProfessor, providing an even more in-depth dive into the software and advanced topics of interest. (*Credit must be used within the subscription period and cannot be combined with previous years). |
$500 per licence | ||||||||||
#Task Licence
Read more…Imagine having your own personal SOLIDWORKS assistant. With its dynamic, continually updated library of advanced tools, #Task automates time-consuming, repetitive jobs to free up more time to work on your designs. |
3 users per SOLIDWORKS CAD licence | ||||||||||
Services DiscountRead more…Receive a 20% rate reduction towards any services project. This can be used for multiple service projects. Ask our friendly staff for more information on our offers. |
20% off on all Consulting Services | ||||||||||
“Ask an Expert” Session
Read more…Elevate your SOLIDWORKS proficiency with tailored consultative sessions. Tackle complex topics beyond technical support, optimise tool utilisation, and gain insights from automation to design checker usage. Benefit from 2-hour 1-1 engagements with skilled SOLIDWORKS engineers. A must-have with the annual Elite subscription. |
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AUS 1300 423 372 | NZ 0800 900 889
Terms and conditions apply.
The best solution is the one tailored to your needs. To discuss your options, give us a call on the numbers below. Or fill in the form: we’ll contact you within 24 hours. Thank you.
AUS 1300 423 372 | NZ 0800 900 889
Let us help you find the best solution that suits your needs. To discuss your options, give us a call on the numbers below. Or fill in the form: we’ll contact you within 24 hours. Thank you.
AUS 1300 423 372 | NZ 0800 900 889