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Inspiring Innovation, driving your design

Solutions that keep you moving. The team to trust.

Grab a great deal on our IC3D range of Professional CAD Workstations

At Central Innovation, maker of IC3D workstations, we believe every design professional should have the fastest workstation so you are designing as efficiently and productively as possible.

With the fastest workstations in the world we ensure you save time and maintain your creative thought process, by reducing wait times for design updates.

Have you ever wondered what the real cost of your staff staring at the windows spinning wheel is?  You may be surprised of the impact which includes but is not limited to lost income, job over runs, lower customer satisfaction and loss of staff concentration . Avoid the slow lane get in the fast lane with the IC3D range of Professional CAD Workstations. Learn more by clicking below.




Or call us now AUS 1300 423 372 | NZ 0800 900 889

We offer the Best Design Capabilities to the Architectural, Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing industries

Where no solution exists, we create one.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between technology, and what you can get out of it.

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AUS 1300 423 372 | NZ 0800 900 889

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