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Welcome to In The Drawing Room.

In The Drawing Room is a monthly publication produced by Central Innovation providing a forum for readers to discover news, stories, industry insights and opinions, events and tips on the design technologies and solutions that are shaping the manufacturing and construction industries.


What If Thomas Edison Used Solidworks?

– By Cliff Medling, SOLIDWORKS  Thomas Edison has over one thousand patents to his name (individual or joint), 1,093 to be exact. Most notably for the light bulb, the phonograph, and an initial motion picture concept. He was also very famous…

Ci in the Press

Australia as an Innovation nation: the challenge of industry 4.0

By Industry Update: As manufacturing industry transitions to a new world of assistive robotics, increased automation and ICT-enabled innovation, the Federal Government appears determined to position Australia at the forefront of change. The Prime Minister’s announcement this time last year that…


GRAPHISOFT: Great Architects – From Pencil to Pixel

GRAPHISOFT Latin America launched a series focused on the personal and emotional benefits of working with ARCHICAD. The first video in the series introduces Rivadeneyra Architects, and is based on a father and son’s inter-generational relationship, where ideas and sketches are transformed into…

Ci in the Press

Bridging the Digital Skills Gap in the AEC Industry

By IT Brief: The advancement in technologies in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry has supported in significant growth. As companies explore the potential of future technology capabilities and identify the skills they will need to remain relevant, human capital…


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