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Do you know that 18% of software installed on computers in Australia is unlicensed?*

Unlicensed or non-genuine software is the unauthorized use, modification or distribution of copyrighted software that includes downloading, sharing, selling, or installing multiple copies of licensed or genuine software. It also includes license infringement i.e. installing a piece of software more times than the license permits, sharing software license codes and activation keys.

Under the Copyright Act, any organization found using unlicensed software would be liable to a fine of not more than 550 penalty units or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both.

*Source: 2018 Global Software Survey: Software Management: Security Imperative, Business Opportunity Across the Globe – The Software Alliance

Risks of Non-Genuine Software

The use of non-genuine software puts consumers and businesses at legal and technological risks:

Increased risks of civil penalties and criminal prosecution, resulting in loss of capital, reputation and credibility

Increased risks of exposure to cyber-security threats and malwares that compromise your computers and network

Increased risks of system failures and network outages, reducing business productivity and loss of opportunities

No access to technical support, critical updates, version upgrades, and technical documentation

Protect Yourself. Prevent Piracy and Non-compliance

It is not uncommon for consumers to purchase or use non-genuine software unknowingly. Unauthorized resellers often offers non-genuine software with an attractive package to entice unknowing customers into purchasing. Avoid online marketplaces, websites and peer-to-peer networks that offer SOLIDWORKS software for free or at a discounted price.

Only purchase genuine SOLIDWORKS software directly from an authorized SOLIDWORKS reseller: Intercad part of Central Innovation.

Adopt Software Asset Management standards and best practices to manage your company’s software lifecycle and reduce the risks of litigation that arise from non-compliance issues.

Report non-compliant resellers or websites that you suspect may be selling or distributing non-genuine SOLIDWORKS software.

Read our FAQs to protect yourself from the risks of non-genuine software.

Reap The Benefits of Using Genuine SOLIDWORKS Software

Choose Genuine SOLIDWORKS software and experience the reliable quality, performance and security it offers with access to the latest releases and upgrades, enhancement request privileges, live technical support, and comprehensive online resources to ensure you get the most from your 3D design experience*.

*SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service Program

Inspire confidence with your business clients and partners by securing your copy of genuine SOLIDWORKS software directly with your authorised reseller: Intercad part of Central Innovation.


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