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Avoid misinterpretation of your Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) using SOLIDWORKS MBD

On an average, engineering teams spend over 60% of their time creating 2D drawings and answering queries about drawings. Yet there are discrepancies in 2D drawings and 3D models that lead to ambiguities and errors in production.

Explore SOLIDWORKS MBD as a drawing-less manufacturing solution to directly add the Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) to the CAD model and publish it in 3D PDF or eDrawings. The output files are interactive and easy to interpret. 2D is passé; MBD is your 3D solution.

SOLIDWORKS MBD eliminates all the inefficiencies involved in translating 3D to 2D that can save you a significant amount of time and money.  In this webinar, we will demonstrate how MBD as an Add-in for SOLIDWORKS, enables you to:


  • Capture 3D views
  • Take advantage of DimXpert intelligence to add PMI to each view
  • Create details like cut-sections, exploded views, BOM, etc.


  • Setup annotation views with PMI
  • Set layouts in templates for desired 3D PDF output


  • 3D PDF & eDrawings with added PMI to enable users interact with 3D model including pan, zoom, rotate, section, measure and more.

Join us in this webinar, and learn more about this wonderful tool to reduce costs, delays, scrap and rework associated with use of 2D Drawings.


Date: 17 April 2018

12:00 pm Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane/Canberra
11:30 am Adelaide
10:00 am Perth
2:00 pm NZ

Duration: 40 minutes

Contact: jayesh.halgekar@centralinnovation.com

About the presenter: Mr. Jayesh Halgekar, Multiproduct Specialist for SOLIDWORKSCommunication Suite of products at Central Innovation will be joined by Dr. Esfandyar Kouhi, Multi-product Team Leader at Central Innovation, with over 20 years of experience in Engineering and expert in SOLIDWORKS Simulation products.

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