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We have updated our privacy policy

Dear Customer,

We have updated our Central Innovation privacy policy to reflect the new regulations imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

The changes affect the sections about the use of personal information:

Use and disclosure of your personal information

When we hold your personal information it will be used for the following primary purposes:

  1. to provide you with our services;
  2. to ensure the proper functioning of the Website;
  3. to ensure the proper functioning of the Central Innovation organisation; and
  4. to assist Central Innovation with our auditing, marketing, planning, billing, product development and research requirements.

We will not use or disclose (or permit the use or disclosure of) information that could be used to identify an individual member in any circumstances except:

  1. where such disclosure is necessary to provide you with our services;
  2. to ensure the proper functioning of our business and the Website;
  3. to communicate promotional offers and special events to you;
  4. where the law requires us, or authorises us, or a company holding data on our behalf, to do so; or
  5. where you have given express consent to us for a prescribed purpose.

We will not sell, distribute, rent, licence, disclose, share or pass your personal information onto any third parties, other than those who are contracted to us to keep the information confidential whether subject to a statute or a scheme which imposes similar restrictions to the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), as amended, regarding the handling of personal information.
Should a third party approach us with a demand to access your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to redirect the third party to request the information directly from you, wherever it is lawful and reasonable for us to do so.
If we are compelled to disclose your personal information, to a third party we will take reasonable steps to notify you of this in advance, wherever it is lawful and reasonable for us to do so.

Overseas disclosure of personal information
It is not part of our standard procedure to disclose personal information to overseas recipients except where such disclosure is necessary for the provision of our services to you. Your acceptance of these privacy terms is your consent to such overseas disclosure of your personal information. You may withdraw this consent at any time by contacting our Privacy Officer, details of which are set out below, however this may impact our ability to provide our services to you. If we have reason to transfer your personal information overseas for any other reason, we will first seek your consent to do so, unless the disclosure of the information is required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order.

Read online: Central Innovation privacy policy

For further information about privacy in general, please refer to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website located at http://www.oaic.gov.au. Alternatively, you can contact our Privacy Officer at privacy@centralinnovation.com.au or call +61 2 9454 4444.

Kind Regards,

The Central Innovation team

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