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You are invited!

 Join us from 1pm to 4pm on Thursday, 4th October at Ballarat Group Training

Central Innovation will take you on a journey from Proven Design to Manufacture Solution
to explore and demonstrate What’s New in SOLIDWORKS 2019.

Discover the new features that will extend your design capabilities and help you go from
design to finished products faster and more easily to market, improving your bottom line.

Mark your diary and REGISTER TODAY!  


Great opportunity to meet our experts and learn from the Community how to keep
your team competitive facing the new design challenges of the industry.
Secure your seat as places are limited. More details to come, stay tuned!

Innovation Software Hardware  Systems   People

You might think it’s just the software. You need more than that. You need a solution. You need to have a trusted partner.

Since 1990, Central Innovation has been trusted by 98% satisfied customers
across Architectural, Construction and Manufacturing industries.

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