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What a great BIMinNZ event!

A huge crowd attended the 3 BIM NZ Events held in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland between 21st to 23rd August.

Once again the events provided an outstanding platform for discussion and insight on OpenBIM interoperability and the perspectives of the digital transformation.

It was a great pleasure for Central Innovation to sponsor the events and bring the NZ community together to raise the awareness about OpenBIM, its potential and its impact on the new trends for the Architecture and Construction industries. Thank you to our special guest speaker Gabor Gulyas from PDC Group who illustrated the use of OpenBIM with Queens Wharf Brisbane and the outstanding benefits this level of open collaboration brings to a project of this complexity. Also thanks to all the attendees who made the events so successful, we are looking forward to the next occasion.

We would like to keep you updated about the great opportunities OpenBIM will bring to your business shaping the world of design. Stay tuned with us!


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