Compare screen to paper colours
Tips and Tricks • Joshua Osborne • 19 October 2015
AEC - Tip of the Day, Archicad, Ci Tools
Have you ever found the colours on screen don’t look quite like the colours you output on paper? Well, without going in to display configuration, a simple thing you can do is use this simple Object and print a version of your pen palette so you know what the colours will be like on your device(s).
You can find the Object in Graphic Symbols 19> Pens and Colors 19 as highlighted below:
I configured mine to have the same columns as the Pen dialogs in ARCHICAD so it looks as follows:
…and if you look closer you will see the Pen Number and RGB values:
If you switch to Style 2 it will also draw a section of line so you can see the thickness of the pen.