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Intercad at Uni SA’s annual “Damn Fine Design Exhibition”

Tips and Tricks Suraj Sethi 29 April 2015

Intercad at Uni SA’s annual “Damn Fine Design Exhibition”


At Intercad we provide comprehensive software tools to help you create, simulate, publish or manage your design and data. This is backed by unrivalled experience, exceptional technical support, a total commitment to customers, plus expert advice.

Last year Suraj Sethi, Intercad Elite engineer certified by SolidWorks, represented Intercad, Gold Sponsor, to judge and present an award at Uni SA’s annual “Damn Fine Design Exhibition”, a student exhibition awards night for students who are in the Masters of Industrial Design program.



The event was also graced by SA’s minister of Manufacturing, Innovation & Trade, Dr Susan Close and also by Colin Taylor who serves as the MD of Hills Industries.

The SA’s minister of Manufacturing




The top prize,  Student Design Award provided by Intercad, went to Kieren Smith for his Mag Wheel Point of Sale display. It was quite a standout effort and all the lectures hand picked him to pick up our prize. Here are some pics of his effort:


Second place went to Nirmal Menon for his augmented reality medical manikin. Quite an interesting project which is now going to be split into 4 PHD theses. Suraj, Intercad engineer, had helped him out a with the use of SolidWorks and also the Scan to 3D add in to import and use scanned data to generate surfaces. He was really thankful of Suraj contribution and very appreciative.



All the students who’se efforts were on display had their work modelled, rendered etc in SolidWorks so it was really inspiring to see some of their designs and concepts.



Here are some other really good concepts & innovations that were on display:

Intercad is always keen to take part in future similar events.

Stay tuned for our next event and if you’re based in Adelaide and would like to be part of the user group here, feel free to email suraj.sethi@intercad.com.au

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