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Intersection Curves

Tips and Tricks Marketing 3 August 2015

Intersection Curves

Sometimes it is useful to be able to create sketch geometry where items intersect, for example 2 bodies, or where a body and plane intersect.

In the image below we can see a sweep through which the front plane is located.

Intersection curves

We can use intersection curves to show where in this case the body and the plane meet.

To do this, firstly start a sketch on the front plane, and then select either the intersection curve icon from the drop down arrow under the convert entities button on the sketch toolbar, or select it from the ‘Tools/sketch tools menu’

Intersection curves

Now select the geometry you wish to generate the intersection for.  I have selected the body from the ‘Solid Bodies’ folder in the tree but you can select features, faces and so on as required.

Intersection curves


Intersection curves

You can also do this with intersecting bodies, and you don’t need to be in an active sketch, for instance in the below example we will generate the intersection between the red and grey bodies.

Intersection curves

Simply start the intersection curve command and then select all the faces that you wish to see the intersection of.

Intersection curves

Result. A 3d sketch is generated with the intersection sketch geometry.

Intersection curves


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