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Productivity Tip: Selections – New Feature in ARCHICAD 22

Tips and Tricks Michael Warr 29 July 2019


Productivity Tip: Selections – New Feature in ARCHICAD 22

Groups are great, they help us keep things which should be linked together, linked – For example walls.

But groups are relatively primitive, we can’t name them, have variations in the selection set, and we have to click on something to find out if it’s part of a group.

In ARCHICAD 22 we introduced a new feature into the standard work environment, called Selections.


To use this feature, click the icon in the toolbar to bring up the Selections Pallet.

Next, Select elements in any view so that they are highlighted, then click the New Selection Set button.

Locating the New Selection Set button

Provide a name for your Selection Group and ARCHICAD will remember what you’ve selected and store it.


Providing a name for your Selection Group


You can redefine the group, rename it, create as many Selection Groups as you want or delete groups using the buttons in the pallet.


Happy Modelling,



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