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Understanding the BIMx & BIMx Pro Licensing

Tips and Tricks Gareth Morgan 27 January 2017

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Are you using BIMx? Not sure if you need BIMx or BIMx Pro?

Recent changes made it possible to access full BIMx Hyper-models even with the use of the free BIMx app.

While the free app is thus a very practical communication tool, the ‘PRO’ version ($74.99 NZD) still holds additive productivity features for professionals.

One of many ways to create a BIMx Hyper-models.

  • Create a new Publishing set and name it “BIMx Model (Save Local)”
  • Set the publishing method to save files & create a single file.
  • Select a path to save your file.
  • Change the format to BIMx Hyper Model.
  • Add your drawings (layout sheets) and a 3D view to the Publishing Set “BIMx Model (Save Local)” and click publish.
  • Transfer it to your Apple or Android Phone or tablet and added to your BIMx app.


More Detailed Steps

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