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FAQ – Archicad crashes

Tips and Tricks Luca Kornelia Kosa 27 January 2022

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FAQ – Archicad crashes

What can you do when Archicad crashes?

1) Always check for the latest updates – installing those often solves the problem
You can check the Build number of your Archicad at Help > About Archicad
The latest updates can be downloaded from HERE. (The Update section is around the middle of the page.)

2) Try to open another project or a template file – this way you can know whether the crash is file specific or general.
If it’s file specific, try to Open&Repair. If that doesn’t work, contact us and upload your project file and crash reports.

3) Update your drivers. Often updating graphics card drivers or Printer drivers can help with crashes.

4) Delete your preference files
We recommend backup these files before deleting them, as they store Work Environment settings.
You can check how to delete them HERE.

5) If these suggestions don’t help please contact us.
Apart from the usual information, please send us your computer’s specifications and Archicad crash reports.

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