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“Filtered” view in 3Ds

Tips and Tricks Khan 31 May 2023

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Some users can’t get rid of the red shaded overlay to their 3D views, and not related to Graphic Override combinations. Please see the screenshot as an example – use this option to turn the display of Trimming Bodies on or off. Trimming Bodies can be shown in the 3D Window only, for Shells and Roofs.

On Screen View Options

And refer to this link to understand Trimming Bodies -https://help.graphisoft.com/AC/26/INT/index.htm#t=_AC26_Help%2F040_ElementsVB%2F040_ElementsVB-91.htm&rhsearch=Define%20Trimming%20Bodies&rhhlterm=Define%20Trimming%20Bodies&rhsyns=%20


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