How-to Use the CI Wall Coverings With the Renovation Filters
Tips and Tricks • Andras Bognar • 28 January 2021
AEC - Tip of the Day, Archicad, Ci Tools
First of all, you need to understand the CI covering tool creates objects. That is why it works a bit different with Renovation filters than for example the walls.
If you want to set an existing, demolished and new coverings, you need to create almost as many coverings to the wall as many Renovation filters you have.
In this example it is 7 covering that we need to create for the same wall:
When you created the 7 covering to the wall, then set one by one the coverings’ renovation status and the filter where you want to see them at the Covering tool settings Classification and Properties > Renovation:
An Existing covering to the 01 Existing plan
A Demolished covering to the 02 Demolition plan
A Demolished covering to the 03 All Works
A New covering to the 04 All Works
A New covering to the 05 New Construction
A New covering to the 06 Proposed Plan
A New covering to the 07 Finished