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Internal Sun Penetration – Sun Study

Tips and Tricks Andras Bognar 21 January 2022


Internal Sun Penetration – Sun Study

two surfaces

1. Make two new surfaces at the Cineware Engine settings.

One will be the Transparent: tick only the Alpha with Colorizer.

Surfaces settings

The other will be the Transparent’s Pair: tick only the Color and the Alpha both with Normal Direction and at the Alpha the Delta is in black color.

Setting to transparent's pair Customizing Cineware Settings

2. Use the Transparent surface on a new Roof/Slab building material:

Building Materials Window

3. Set the Roof/Slab for that Building material and override only the bottom surface of it with the Transparent’s pair surface:

Roof Selection Settings Window

4. Then make a render with the standard Cineware Engine:

Photo Rendering Settings



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