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Import 3D DWG to Archicad

Tips and Tricks Natalie Adams 22 August 2023


Import 3D DWG to Archicad

The following steps outline how to import a 3D DWG properly into ARCHICAD. Please see the steps below.

Go to File Menu > Interoperability > Merge…menu item.

Select a DWG file to open, then select “Merge content of Model Space into current View” want to import.

In the appearing Merge DXF-DWG Model Space dialog, check in the Import Model Space content as GDL objects option to import the model content as a single GDL Object.

4. For further editing of the 2D content, the imported GDL object can be exploded after selection via Edit Menu > Reshape > Explode into Current View… command

Note: If the DWG file contains solid elements, converting settings in the ARCHICAD translator should be checked in the referring checkbox in DWG/DXF-DWGTranslator dialog > Open Options > Convert 3D Solids, Regions and Bodies into GDL objects.

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