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Manage Archicad Softkey Licenses

Tips and Tricks Andras Bognar 12 May 2022


Manage Archicad Softkey Licenses

Archicad Softkey Licenses are basically files that you can up and download between machines using:

  • the LMT (License Manager Tool)
  • the right GSID (Graphisoft ID)
  • and the Company License Pool

These Softkey Licenses can be available for:

  • the Admin GSID only
  • a certain user GSID
  • or for Everyone (whose GSID is a member of the Company License Pool)

The Admin GSID user can invite users to be a member of their Company License Pool after they signed in here with their GSID: https://graphisoftid.graphisoft.com/#/login

Also, the same Admin can change the statuses of the licenses at their Company License Pool.

At the Company License Pool, only the Admin GSID user can see all of the licenses they are having.

There is information (the machine’s name) where the license has been downloaded.

If there is no machine name next to the License in the Company License Pool that means the license is in the Company License Pool.

If you don’t know what the machine name you have, this site will help you to find out: https://drexel.edu/it/help/a-z/computer-names/

If you considering reinstalling your OS or format / changing your hard drive that can KILL your license. So before you do anything like that, you need to upload the license to the Company License Pool.





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