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Some helpful settings for Mac users

Tips and Tricks Jenna Durham 29 November 2022


Some helpful settings for Mac users

As a Mac user, it can be frustrating trying to open a second project file without closing the first. Opening from Finder doesn’t work, you have to open the file from within Archicad, needing to remember to select ‘Launch a new instance of Archicad’ every time. This behaviour can be a hassle and a time-waster, and Windows users don’t have to put up with it, so why should you?

Luckily, in the ‘More Options’ section of the Work Environment settings, right at the bottom, will be a tick box which fixes this:

An option is checked

Now Archicad will default to opening a new instance when you open a project from Finder, as well as when dropping a file onto the dock, or selecting a recent project in the ‘File’ -> ‘Open’ menu.

Another feature only available to Mac users since Archicad 24 is Dark Mode. Clicking on the ‘Experimental Features’ header in the ‘More Options’ section will show the ‘Enable System Appearance’ setting. Enabling this will match Archicad to your system theme and let night shift switch Archicad between Light and Dark modes.

Enable System Appearance is checked

Remember that this feature is experimental, so some things may not look quite how they should, and it could be removed in a later version of Archicad.

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