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The Entire Project Is Far From the Origin

Tips and Tricks Andras Bognar 21 October 2020

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The Entire Project Is Far From the Origin

When the entire project is far from the origin follow these steps to solve the issue:

The entire project is far from the origin
Image 20

In order to relocate the project back to the ARCHICAD Origin follow the steps below: 
Step 1: Set all the Layers 
Set all the Layers and Renovation Filters to Show and Unlock. Elements locked by Lock command can be unlocked in Edit menu/Locking. 
Step 2: Show Absolute Coordinates 
Check the Coordinate Palette if relative coordinates are displayed, if yes switch this button off to show absolute coordinates. 

Showing Absolute Coordinates 

Step 3: Return the Origin 
Double click on User Origin button on Coordinate Palette to return the origin to the Project Origin. 
Step 4: Place a New Hotspot 
Place a new hotspot at the project origin by typing the coordinates x=0, y=0. 
Step 5: Fit in Window 
Click on the command Fit in window in the Display menu. The project and hotspot together with the project origin should appear in two different corners of the screen. You can check it with Select All (ctrl+A) command. 
Step 6: Select All Stories 
Use the bold Marquee to frame the project and use Edit/Select all command, so all the stories become selected. 
Step 7: Drag the Project 
Drag the project to the project origin. 
By using Fit in window the project will be adjusted to the screen. 
Step 8: Save and reopen the Project 
Origins are counted during the opening of files. After you repaired the plan, it should be saved, closed and opened again to get the updated origins. 

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