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Two Ways of Creating a New Favorite

Tips and Tricks Luca Kornelia Kosa 8 May 2020


Two Ways of Creating a New Favorite

Based on the selected element:
1. Select an element that you want to store as a Favorite
2. Click the New Favorite icon at the bottom of the Favorites Palette
3. Enter a name in the New Favorite dialog box that appears and click OK.

selected element of a plane project

In Tool settings:
1. Click the Favorites (star) button to open the Favorites pop-up
2. Click the New Favorite icon
3. Enter a name in the New Favorite dialog box that appears and click OK.

Tool settings

TIP: If the name you give already exists as a Favorite, you are alerted, and the OK button is grey. Enter a different name to immediately dismiss this tooltip warning.


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