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Performance and Stability

Tips and Tricks Campbell Yule 17 June 2016

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In the interests of constant improvement, the ARCHICAD 20 package implements a series of independent enhancements to further improve stability and enable a smoother workflow. Management of Hotlinks, libraries and Drawings is more robust, reducing disruptions in the ARCHICAD workflow.

Drawing Update Enhancement

Better drawing update: The processes for updating drawings and checking their status now rely on multiprocessing technology, for a faster workflow.

Library Manager Update

Due to a limit on the number of characters the file system could manage, previous ARCHICAD versions ran into problems if the Embedded Library’s structure was overly complex.

ARCHICAD 20 eliminates this character limit for a more stable functionality.

This is accomplished by extracting the Embedded Library into a virtual file system, reducing the number of library errors in case of complex Embedded Library structures.

Hotlink Management Enhancement

Handling of nested hotlink structures is improved by a more stable hotlink update process. ARCHICAD automatically deletes embedded library parts which belong to deleted hotlink files, allowing users to clear up and manage libraries more easily.

Server Communication Improvements

This enhancement will help reduce the number of ‘Missing’ statuses, if temporary communication problems occur between ARCHICAD and the dedicated hard drive containing the drawings.

Background processing is used to check the drawing status of external references in a separate thread. This way, drawings are not reported “missing” after server access is re‐established.

Server communication is also carried out in a separate thread, providing more feedback and reducing “freeze” time. Previously (on Mac in particular), when a server could not be found, it would hold up ARCHICAD for minutes. Now, ARCHICAD communicates with the server in the background, enhancing responsiveness.

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