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How to stretch a group of elements

Tips and Tricks Fernanda Fiuza 26 April 2023


How to stretch a group of elements

Did you know that the Marquee Tool can be used to stretch elements?

Apart from marking and showing a region in 3D, the Marquee Tool can also be used to stretch a group of elements at the same time:

  • Select the Marquee Tool on the Toolbox. Beware of the Selection Methods: the first option (thinner line) will apply changes to a single floor, while the second option (thicker line) will modify all floors.


  • Mark the region you intend to stretch.


  • Click on a node/edge of one of the elements and drag it to a direction. Input distance and/or angle.

Note that elements like doors, windows and objects won’t be stretched, but can be moved in case they’re entirely inside of the marked region.

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