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Customer Experience Improvement Program

Tips and Tricks cadimage 3 July 2017

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We make sure to tell our users that in order for us to improve the quality of our tools, we need feedback on how you use them.

The good folks at Graphisoft need the same form of feedback in order to improve ARCHICAD.  They have even made it simple for us to do.

In the Help menu is the option for Customer Experience… (third from the bottom)  If you click on this, you will see the following dialog:


Customer Experience Improvement Program Window


Most of us will recognise this from the install process, where we chose the No, thank you option.  Clicking on Yes does not mean that Graphisoft are going to snooping on your files, it just means that ARCHICAD will create a log of how you are using the program and let the R&D team know, so that they can lookfor ways to either improve things or look for things that may need to be removed.  Remember that if you want improvements you need to contact the people in charge, and if you don’t, then don’t complain if things don’t change

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