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How to Replace Study Advisor Icon With New Study Icon in Solidworks Simulation Tab

Tips and Tricks Gayan 17 May 2017

How to Replace Study Advisor Icon With New Study Icon in Solidworks Simulation Tab

When you launch SOLIDWORKS Simulation add-in, the first icon on the simulation tab is “Study Advisor”. However, most simulation users don’t use this tool to determine what type of study to start.

Study Advisor Oprions

Therefore, I thought users would like to know how to replace the default “Study Advisor” icon with “New Study” icon.

  • Right click on the Simulation tab of the Command Manager and choose “Customize CommandManager…”

How to replace study advisor icon with new study icon in solidworks simulation tabChoosing “Customize CommandManager

  • Go to the Commands page, and select  Simulation:

selecting  Simulation

  • Drag the first icon from the buttons onto the left of “Study Advisor” icon.

Study advisor

  • Finally, remove the existing “Study Advisor” icon by dragging it off the toolbar and into space (you’ll see a red X next to your cursor) while you still on customize command manager.

remove the existing “Study Advisor”


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