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Project’s File Size & Optimizing for Performance

Tips and Tricks Gareth Morgan 16 April 2021


Project’s File Size & Optimizing for Performance

How to optimize a project’s file size

Our support team always get asked about file sizes and how best to reduce it. Graphisoft have recently updated their How to optimize a projects file size article. https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/knowledgebase/130573/

How to Optimize Your Project Performance

As projects evolve, it becomes more and more complex and detailed. When when start reaching deadlines our focus becomes more on getting it done vs ensuring the model is correct etc. For example as we start to move design options to the side and let future you to worry about, this will in turn result in larger files, that can slow down your Archicad experience.

Learn more: https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/knowledgebase/86882/

Optimizing Mesh Performance

We all have a project site, we all use the mesh tool, we will all have that one project that your scream at the mesh tool….however it is a great way to create topographic volumes within a project.

Complex meshes take longer to regenerate due to the number of polygons. When we start to include more and more Solid Element Operations to the mesh, our file speed & performance will become the trade off. This is due to the nature of Solid Element Operations needing to regenerate every time the view is moved.

Learn more: https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/knowledgebase/85810/

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