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Overview of New Features of SMC 9.7

Tips and Tricks Central Innovation 4 October 2016

Solibri announced Version 9.7 of the Solibri Model Checker (SMC) on August 31st. While this is considered a ‘point release’, there are quite a few enhancements and new capabilities. These capabilities are particularly relevant in the coordination workflow, but are also reflected in multiple layouts throughout the program. Many of the new features support the handling and reporting of issues that are identified via numerous checks. V9.7 adds a lot of capability, without necessarily adding complexity, which means YOU can begin benefitting from these new features, right away.  This article will address the following new items:

  • Updated Issue Handling
  • A New View – Issues
  • A New View – Issue Sorter
  • Issue Details
  • Updated 3D View Options
  • SMC Relations
  • Federated Floors
  • Custom Relations
  • Company Extensions
  • Information Takeoff

Updated Issue Handling

The Communication Layout has been reorganized to accommodate the new issue handling enhancements, related to presentations, as described below:

A new view: Issues –A listing of titles of issues provides an easy reference for associating an issue to a particular slide within the presentation. The listing also provides additional relevant information, including status and the responsible party, if known.

A new view: Issue Sorter – All issues in the selected presentations are now shown as thumbnails.  In SMC9.7, thumbnails of issues have been moved from the sidebar in the Presentation view to the new ‘Issue Sorter’ view beneath the 3D window.


The size of the thumbnail pictures displayed in the Issue Sorter view can be changed on the Presentation Tab in SMC Settings.

Issue Details dialog is now a view – In SMC9.7, the Issue Details popup window has been integrated into the UI as a fixed window. This will allow you to streamline the process of managing issues while increasing visibility into issue details. The result will be significant time-savings, and a smoother process.

New UI/UX for responsibility values.  Responsible parties are now represented as ‘buttons’, allowing you to quickly assign issues to trades, entities, or individuals, as desired. You can easily add new options, as needed.

Updated 3D View options.  The bottom of the 3D view in the Communication Tab has been enhanced to allow real time commenting by a user, as well as the ability to add, update, or remove saved viewpoints.

SMC Relations

v9.7 introduces a new SMC defined relationship: Federated Floors. The relationship between components in different models is generated automatically, allowing for a fast, and extremely efficient way to visualize all components (from multiple IFC files) by the floors defined in architectural models.  The result is a very logical way to manage coordination by location, as you can filter all disciplines by floor, rather than in the entire building, if desired. All components of a specific floor will be joined together under a single ‘Federated Floor’ for easy reference, visualization, and coordination.

SMC V9.7 also introduces a new view to see and modify Nearest Spaces and Federated Floor relations – Custom Relations. Nearest Space and Federated Floor of components can be changed using the custom relations view.  This allows you to establish a custom set of relations, or to move any misplaced components onto the correct Federated Floor.

Custom relations are shown in the Info View -> Relations tab in normal font. Other relations (from IFC files) are shown in Italics

Custom Relations pop up menu: While viewing the Relations tab, if you select Federated Floors or Nearest Space, you can right-click to open the Custom Relations View for editing.

Federated floors can be used in ITO templates and in the rule template #231. The Federated Floors property can be used to separate rows of information in ITO, and can be used as a limiter to only designate components of a specific federated floor to be checked.uc_01_13uc_01_12

There is also a new hierarchy in the Model Tree View – Federated floors.  This allows for quick selection of Federated floors by selecting an icon from the model tree.

Federated floors are also used in the floor list of the Navigation map (you can select a floor from the list in the top of the Navigation map – the list now only includes Federated floors)

Company Extensions

V9.7 also introduces a new tool to create, save, export and open Company-specific extensions (Extension Manager) from the Rule Set Manager (RSM) view. This new capability makes it possible for more advanced SMC users to build and share company, location, or project-specific rulesets (or extensions).

The result is a company-specific package that can be uploaded to the Solibri Solution Center, where it can be used as a custom company extension.  By doing so, all users in a company can start SMC as the same Role, using the same extension, and therefore operate with a consistent SMC environment of Rulesets, Classifications and Information Takeoffs.  All users will see the same content in SMC.

Information Takeoff

V9.7 makes it possible to report all open Information Takeoff templates at one time.  This improvement is particularly useful for users who may have many different use cases for ITO, and therefore have run many different Takeoffs that are still open.  Before this enhancement, each Takeoff would need to be run individually, then reported one by one.

ITOs indicate when a model has been changed after information has been taken off.  This enhancement adds an indicator to the takeoff window, signifying when a model change has made a previous takeoff out of date.

Info View

Properties defined in type instances are shown in italics (properties defined in component instance level are shown in normal font). This is a helpful tool, as you will now know whether a property is defined by the Type of the component, or if it is unique to the individual component.

If a value defined in the type instance differs from a value defined in the component instance, it is shown as a ‘strike through.’

A new property in the Identification tab: Type name – value of the type instance name (can be different than type of the component, if the component has a value in property psetXCommon: reference).  This more accurately reflects the full level of information available about the component, replacing the instance value ‘reference’ with the correct Type information.

In conclusion, Solibri Model Checker 9.7 is a release with some impressive new features designed to streamline your workflow, as well as a lot of work behind the scenes and with the User Interface. With the changes to the Communication layout, issues identified in the model are now more efficiently managed to allow for quicker updating and review. New Company Extensions accomplish two major goals – first, allowing for better cohesion amongst teams, ensuring that everyone uses the same set of rules and requirements, and second, opening up SMC to broader audiences, as extensions can be company, project, regional or even national-specific. Finally, the Relations tool for combining (federating) floors from multiple models results in a much more efficient coordination workflow. V9.7 is loaded with enhancements and new capabilities, all intended to make your experience richer. Your investment in Solibri Model Checker continues to yield value and we look forward to your feedback, as well as your suggestions.

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