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Polycount (Goodies Add-on)

Tips and Tricks Camilo Valencia 18 June 2020


Polycount (Goodies Add-on)

Archicad has additional tools that can be used to solved different issues while you are working, for example, if you noticed that your file is slow or is taking a lot of time to open and elevation, section or a 3D view you can use “ Polycount” this tool is part of the Add-on Goodies that can be download in the next link: https://www.graphisoft.com/downloads/goodies/

The tool will count for you the number of polygons in the file and will help you to identify which elements have a lot of polylines and can cause the slowness.


Polycount can also be used to improve your BIMx file.

The tool is located in Window>Palettes>PolyCount

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