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Solidworks Option File

Tips and Tricks Bianca 23 June 2021


Solidworks Option File

Do you need the ability to control your Solidworks Network licenses? Then the Options file is the solution.

The options file can control many variables.  Some of the most requested include

  • Reserving specific licenses for specific users
  • Returning a license when the client is not using Solidworks
  • Preventing certain users from using certain licenses
  • Stop licenses from being borrowed

For a full list of the available options refer to the online FlexLM Guide


To setup the options file first we need to program the server to use one by

1. Open the “SolidNetWork License Manager Server” from the programs list or by searching for it in Windows

Opening SolidNetWork License Manager Server

2. On the server administration tab under license information click “Modify”

Modifying Server Administration

3. Select “Activate/Reactivate your product license(s)” and click “Next”

Activating Solidwords License

4. Click the check box to use the “Options file” and select “Edit”

Solidworks Product Activation

5. You will be prompted to create a new file.  Click “Yes”

Creating new file prompt

6. Enter your requirements.  Our most requested options are

Syntax: TIMEOUT feature[:keyword=value] seconds
Example: TIMEOUTALL 3600
This will timeout all licenses after 3600 seconds of inactivity which is 1 hour.

Syntax: RESERVE num_lic feature[:keyword=value] type {name | group_name}
Example: RESERVE 1 cae_cwadvpro USER Bianca Roberts
This will reserve 1 Simulation Premium license for Windows user Bianca Roberts.  A list of Solidworks license names are provided at the end of this blog.

You can even set up groups of people so you don’t need to do this for each user. For example, if you wanted to exclude the drafting team from checking out a Simulation license.  First set up the group

Syntax: GROUP group_name user_list
Example: GROUP Drafting John Paul Ringo

Then exclude them from being able to check out a Simulation license

Syntax: EXCLUDE feature[:keyword=value] type {name | group_name}
Example: EXLUDE cae_cwdesigner GROUP Drafting

Now say you have a group of contractors and we don’t want them to be able to borrow Solidworks licenses.  First set up the group and then use the EXCLUDE_BORROW command.

Syntax: EXCLUDE_BORROW feature[:keyword=value] type \ {name | group_name}
Example: EXCLUDE_BORROW Solidworks GROUP Contractors

You options file would then look like the following

options file

7. After you have added all your required options to the file save and close it.

8. Go back to the activation wizard window and click next until it has reactivated the license.  Now the options file is in use.

Your Solidworks license names can be found in the SolidNetWork log file as seen below

Viewing SolidNetWork log file

List of common license names

SOLIDWORKS Standard solidworks
SOLIDWORKS Professional swofficepro
SOLIDWORKS Premium swofficepremium
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard cae_cwstd
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional cae_cwpro
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium cae_cwadvpro
SOLIDWORKS Premium with Simulation Professional swofficepremium_cwpro
SOLIDWORKS Premium with Simulation Premium swofficepremium_cwadvpro
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation cae_cosmosfloworkspe
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation HVAC Module cae_cosmosfloworks_hvac
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation Electronic Cooling Module cae_cosmosfloworks_elec
SOLIDWORKS Sustainability swsustainability
SOLIDWORKS Plastics Standard plastics_professional
SOLIDWORKS Plastics Professional plastics_premium
SOLIDWORKS Plastics Premium plastics_advanced
SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional CAD Editor swepdm_cadeditor
SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Contributor swepdm_contributor
SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Viewer swepdm_viewer
SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard CAD Editor swpdmstd_cadeditor
SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard Contributor swpdmstd_contributor
SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard Viewer swpdmstd_viewer
DraftSight Enterprise draftsightpremium
eDrawings Professional edrw
SOLIDWORKS Electircal 2D elec2d
SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D elec3d
SOLIDWORKS Electrical Professional elecpro
SOLIDWORKS Composer swcomposer
SOLIDWORKS Inspection Professional swinspection_pro
SOLIDWORKS Inspection Standard swinspection_std

Bianca Roberts
Applications Engineer
Central Innovation, Melbourne

At Central Innovation, we can provide all – or part – of the solution. Including SOLIDWORKSARCHICAD, and many more industry-leading tools.

It’s something we’ve been doing for almost 30 years. Our commitment to customer service is second to none: we help you get the best out of your technology.

For a truly unique solution to your unique challenges, please contact us. Or read about some of the great services and solutions we offer.

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