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Magic Wand to quickly place WALLS

Tips and Tricks Khan 25 May 2022

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There is a special function in Archicad called “Magic Wand”. This function saves you work by finding and tracing a linear or polygonal shape from among existing elements and then generating a new element based on it. Magic Wand can be used in 2D and in 3D as well.

  • If you click on an edge or node, the Magic Wand traces the element and/or the element chain.
  • If you click in an empty space, or on a surface, the Magic Wand traces the closed polygonal area formed by the nearest elements.

The Magic Wand can be used with many Archicad tools: eg. Wall, Slab, Roof, Stair, Railing, Curtain wall, etc.

Let’s look at the following example:

You have already drawn a few lines and now want to trace them with the Wall Tool.

  • Use the Magic Wand to simplify the process.
  • First, select the Wall Tool.
  • Now, invoke the command either at the menu point Design or by holding down the SPACE-key.
  • The cursor turns into the Magic Wand.
  • If you hover the cursor over the line, you can see a preview of the walls that will be created…
  • To complete the command, click on the line.



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