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Metal Products CAD Solutions

Work smarter with lower costs

Growing competition, uncertain raw material prices, and a demand to modernise. These are just some of the challenges facing those designing and producing metal products.

The right tools can help you eliminate design mistakes, provide more accurate estimates, and quickly modify and validate designs to meet customer changes.

At Central Innovation, we understand. Not just the tools you need, but the reasons why.

We’re not focused on selling you anything in particular: but on providing a solution that delivers.

Perhaps you want more rapid and accurate prototyping.

Or to integrate multiple platforms and systems.

Maybe it’s about reducing costs and keeping customers happy.

For almost 30 years, Central Innovation has provided the software, hardware, people and systems integration to get things done. We’ve sourced the very best options from around the world. And, where they don’t exist, we’ve created them. All backed by a total commitment to customer service.

Take a look around, for real solutions. Then contact us.

Let us help you work smarter.